29 Kasım 2004
Websitesine biraz zaman ayirabildim bugun de fotograflar kismini ekledim. Tabi onunla ugrasirken saat 2.30 oldu burada.... Yarina proje teslimi var, ben zaman olduruyorum hala....
24 Kasım 2004
istatistik quizi
istatistik quizinden simdi ciktim... pek iyi gecmedi ama 3 quizden en yuksek ikisini alicak yani 50 uzerinden 39 falan oluyor benim o yuzden sorun degil bunun kotu gecmesi sanirim, ama finalde de ayni tur sorular cikacagi icin bayaa calismaliyim. Buradaki calisma temposundan o kadar yoruldumki su thanksgiving tatili bile icime sinmiycek rahat olamiycam cunku tatilden sonraya gene bi suru is var yani... Cok kastiriyorlar gercekten yani... Su donem bitse artik.. daha da finaller var. of of
23 Kasım 2004
blogger reklami
Dikkat ettiyseniz 1 hafta once falan blogger sitesindeki ustteki banneri ufak bir hackle gorunmez kilmistim.... Sonra dusundum bugun ve yaptigim cok sacmaydi yani, blogger internette ozgur dusncenin yayilmasina katki sagliyan en buyuk ve onemli servislerden biri ve yukaridaki banner sayesinde insanlar next blog linkine basarak random olarak diger insanlari tanima sansida buluyor... Tek istedikleri kendi servislerini tanitmak, o bannerda reklamda olmuyor. Ben de butun bu bedava servise karsilik istediklerini fazla gormemeliyim sanirim, bu yuzden yukaridaki banneri tekrar gorunur hale getirdim. Umarim bu sayfayi okuyanlar o banner sayesinde diger bloglara da ulasabilir.
Jim ve thanksgiving?
Hatirliyorsaniz Jim den bahsetmistim, dersinden kalicagimdan emin oldugum adam ve en sevmedigim ogretmen olarak... Adamla acaba bu dersi F almadan birakabilirmiyim diye konusmaya gittim bugun (eger f gelirse bi dersten, sonra ayni dersi tekrar alip a getirseniz bile o F update olmuyor ve ortalamanizi surekli dusuruyor ve master duzeyinde basarili olmak icin en az B ortalama getirmeniz lazim, yani bir F hayatinizi karartabilir)....
Neyse adama dedimki ben ezberde iyi deilim ve ben bu donem 4 ders sectim ve benim geldigim yerde bi dersi yeniden alip a getirince update olur dedim falan, nereden geldin dedi, turkiye diyince adam bana thanksgiving icin bi planin vami diye sordu? (ilk basta salak turkey-thanksgiving esprisini yapicak sandim) neyse yok dedim, adam o zaman bizim eve yemege gelirmisin dedi... Adamin karisi azerbaycanliymis ve turkiyede yasamis uzun sure, ben olayin garipligni yasarken bana ne yemek istersin diye sordu, dolma severmisin falan, bende havaya girip simardim falan manti dedim adama... Oole yani manti yiycem thanksgivingde. Ders icinde hele bi finale ve projeyede calis bakalim dedi, heralde finalden de kotu not alirsam beni bu dersi hic almamis gibi drop edicek diye iyimser bi tahminim var ama bakalim gecebilcekmiyim....
Neyse sonra ben adama birde hani finalde cok ezberci sorular olmasin diye finalde cheat sheet gtirebilirmiyiz diye sordum (burada cheet sheet denilen bir uygulama var, derslerden formul ezberlemeyi kaldirmak icin bazi hocalar bir sayfa istedigin yaziyi yazmana izin veriyolar ama zaten master duzeyinde normalde acik kitap falan olmasi gerekir yorum gerektiren sorular olmalari gerektiginden...) neyse adam aa olur, bunu dusunmek lazim falan dedi, bi kagida not aldi... ayni adam 3 hafta once derste 'your feedback is not important for me' falan demisti.
Benmi cok onyargiliydim, Jim'mi bir anda degismisti ? Bilmiyorum belki adama karsi o kadar soguk hissediyordumki hic daha once gidip direkt konusmamistim... hep kendi cevremi gelistirmekten, eger birsey yolunda degilse onun hakkinda soylenmek yerine onun icin biseyler yapmaktan bahsederim kendime ama bu olayda ben cok onyargiliydim sanirim. Belki de manti rusvetinden boyle konusuyorum :) ama gercekten bu konuda hic bir sey yapmamistim soylenmekten baska... Hala ders isleme yontemini ve sinav sorularini efektif bulmuyorum ama neden adama olumlu bir sekilde yaklasip bunlari degistirtmeye calismadim bilmiyorum. Bazen cevremizden o kadar cok sey bekliyoruz ki kendimizin yapabilcegi katkilari hic dusunmuyoruz sanirim. En onemlisi de humanist bakisimi kaybetmemeli bir insan ne olursa olsun ve her zaman yapici olmali sanirim....
Neyse adama dedimki ben ezberde iyi deilim ve ben bu donem 4 ders sectim ve benim geldigim yerde bi dersi yeniden alip a getirince update olur dedim falan, nereden geldin dedi, turkiye diyince adam bana thanksgiving icin bi planin vami diye sordu? (ilk basta salak turkey-thanksgiving esprisini yapicak sandim) neyse yok dedim, adam o zaman bizim eve yemege gelirmisin dedi... Adamin karisi azerbaycanliymis ve turkiyede yasamis uzun sure, ben olayin garipligni yasarken bana ne yemek istersin diye sordu, dolma severmisin falan, bende havaya girip simardim falan manti dedim adama... Oole yani manti yiycem thanksgivingde. Ders icinde hele bi finale ve projeyede calis bakalim dedi, heralde finalden de kotu not alirsam beni bu dersi hic almamis gibi drop edicek diye iyimser bi tahminim var ama bakalim gecebilcekmiyim....
Neyse sonra ben adama birde hani finalde cok ezberci sorular olmasin diye finalde cheat sheet gtirebilirmiyiz diye sordum (burada cheet sheet denilen bir uygulama var, derslerden formul ezberlemeyi kaldirmak icin bazi hocalar bir sayfa istedigin yaziyi yazmana izin veriyolar ama zaten master duzeyinde normalde acik kitap falan olmasi gerekir yorum gerektiren sorular olmalari gerektiginden...) neyse adam aa olur, bunu dusunmek lazim falan dedi, bi kagida not aldi... ayni adam 3 hafta once derste 'your feedback is not important for me' falan demisti.
Benmi cok onyargiliydim, Jim'mi bir anda degismisti ? Bilmiyorum belki adama karsi o kadar soguk hissediyordumki hic daha once gidip direkt konusmamistim... hep kendi cevremi gelistirmekten, eger birsey yolunda degilse onun hakkinda soylenmek yerine onun icin biseyler yapmaktan bahsederim kendime ama bu olayda ben cok onyargiliydim sanirim. Belki de manti rusvetinden boyle konusuyorum :) ama gercekten bu konuda hic bir sey yapmamistim soylenmekten baska... Hala ders isleme yontemini ve sinav sorularini efektif bulmuyorum ama neden adama olumlu bir sekilde yaklasip bunlari degistirtmeye calismadim bilmiyorum. Bazen cevremizden o kadar cok sey bekliyoruz ki kendimizin yapabilcegi katkilari hic dusunmuyoruz sanirim. En onemlisi de humanist bakisimi kaybetmemeli bir insan ne olursa olsun ve her zaman yapici olmali sanirim....
22 Kasım 2004
About bank of america credit card services
I will write this post in english because I want it to be searchable on google so that more people can learn my experience.
Three months ago I have applied for Bank of America VISA student credit card. Later one month I have received a letter indicating that my social security number was wrong (however it was not) so I took that letter and went to the bank again with my original social security number paper and the people in the bank faxed that to the credit services again. After a month I received a second mail indicating that they were unable to approve my request because 'my personal information on my application differs from their credit file and unable to verify my address as stated on my application'. (If my adress was really wrong, I wonder how I received that mail in my mailbox) So I went to bank again and then they told me to call the credit services directly. I called them and they said that "if I am not a US citizen, I have to have 8 months of banking history with bank of America to get a credit card. However my friend who applied at the same time with me has received his card after one month and we both opened our accounts at bank of America at the same time… The only difference between me and him is, I'm from Turkey and he is from Germany.
So I was very angry and I went to the bank other day again to find the real reason, and they said the same thing with the credit services and I asked them how my friend got it and they could not answer, and I asked them why the real reason was not indicated on the letter and they said 'BECAUSE WE CAN NOT DISCRIMINATE THAT' …. So basically what they are doing is, they are just giving turn rounds, they tell the real reason to your face but they can't officially print it because they know that they can be sued for that…. So I believe this is how the new form of racism moves in USA. According to law you can't be racist but companies always find a way to play around with the laws and continue their racist acts. i believe that credit services has "a list of countries with credit scores" to decide who can be eligible for credit card. This is the first time I felt corporate america with no laws above them.
When will that end? When will people understand that there is no difference between them and any other human on earth? For how long will people feel racism and feel ashamed... How many wars do we need to learn that?
Three months ago I have applied for Bank of America VISA student credit card. Later one month I have received a letter indicating that my social security number was wrong (however it was not) so I took that letter and went to the bank again with my original social security number paper and the people in the bank faxed that to the credit services again. After a month I received a second mail indicating that they were unable to approve my request because 'my personal information on my application differs from their credit file and unable to verify my address as stated on my application'. (If my adress was really wrong, I wonder how I received that mail in my mailbox) So I went to bank again and then they told me to call the credit services directly. I called them and they said that "if I am not a US citizen, I have to have 8 months of banking history with bank of America to get a credit card. However my friend who applied at the same time with me has received his card after one month and we both opened our accounts at bank of America at the same time… The only difference between me and him is, I'm from Turkey and he is from Germany.
So I was very angry and I went to the bank other day again to find the real reason, and they said the same thing with the credit services and I asked them how my friend got it and they could not answer, and I asked them why the real reason was not indicated on the letter and they said 'BECAUSE WE CAN NOT DISCRIMINATE THAT' …. So basically what they are doing is, they are just giving turn rounds, they tell the real reason to your face but they can't officially print it because they know that they can be sued for that…. So I believe this is how the new form of racism moves in USA. According to law you can't be racist but companies always find a way to play around with the laws and continue their racist acts. i believe that credit services has "a list of countries with credit scores" to decide who can be eligible for credit card. This is the first time I felt corporate america with no laws above them.
When will that end? When will people understand that there is no difference between them and any other human on earth? For how long will people feel racism and feel ashamed... How many wars do we need to learn that?
19 Kasım 2004
bank of america credit services
cok sinir oldum, dondugumde anlaticam hikayeyi ama simdi danismanimla bulusmam gerek.
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